VII Giornata Internazionale della famiglia – di ALEXIAN SANTINO SPINELLI


Alexian Santino Spinelli si esibirà per il Papa Benedetto XVI il 2 giugno prossimo a Milano nell’ambito della VII Giornata Internazionale della famiglia a Bresso (MI) presso il Parco Nord, Aereoporto.
L’evento verrà trasmesso in Mondovisione ed in diretta su RAI 1 a partire dalle 20,30.
Alexian ta le Chavè (Alexian ed i suoi figli) suoneranno, con laccompagnamento dellorchestra, il MuRDEVELE il Padre Nostro in lingua Romanì.

LAlexian Group è reduce del successodell’ultima edizione dellAlexian and International Friends che lo ha visto suonare con artisti del calibro di Lino Patruno, con il quale ha reso omaggio al grande Django rehinhardt e con lEnsamble Phralipé formato da valenti musicisti pugliesi. Tra gli ospiti anche Povia, Ferdi, I Decalamus e The Original klezmer Ensamble. Levento è stato presentato per il 6° anno consecutivo da Lorena Bianchetti.

Il tour internazionale ha toccato le città di Caceres (Spagna), Belgrado (Serbia), Praga, ( Repubblica Ceca), Bruxelles (Belgio), Monaco di Baviera (Germania), uno degli appuntamenti più significativi della fitta agenda di Alexian è stato il concerto con lOrchestra Europea per la Pace a Kosice in Slovacchia alla presenza del Presidente della Repubblica Slovacca trasmesso in diretta sulla televisione nazionale.

-Il 28 Maggio prossimo Alexian ta le Chavè sarà in Concerto a Campobasso nell’ambito del progetto “Accoglienza e Solidarietà” promosso dalla regione Molise,
-Doppio appuntamewnto a Barletta (BA) il 29 maggio dalle 13,30 alle 17,30 Alexian terrà dei Seminari di Cultura Romanì
e a partire dalle ore 21,00 nella Cattedrale di Barletta presenterà il libro “Rom, genti libere” ED. Dalai, con la prefazione di Moni Ovadia. Con lui il giornalista Giuseppe Di Miccoli e S: E: l’Arcivescovo di Barletta. -Il 9 giugno l’Alexian Group sarà in concerto allAquila in Piazza dArti nellambito del progetto la Città che sPiazza
-Il 13 Giugno sarà in concerto a Contursi (SA) -il 14 Giugno sarà in concerto presso l’Università Federico II di Napoli a partire dalle ore 18,00

-Guarda lo speciale di RAI 3

-Guarda l’Alexian group e l’orchestra Europea per la pace in concerto alla TV di stato Slovacca o.avi

-Guarda Alexian Santino Spinelli ospite di FORUM su Rete 4

-Guarda l’Alexian group al festival Khamoro

Glob011 va in radio

Glob011, la piccola testata indipendente che viene portata avanti da

un gruppo di volontari da più di un anno ormai

si butta anche nell’esperienza radiofonica


La prima puntata è stasera presso il canale radiofonico

Radio Border(

Inizia alle 20:30 e finisce alle 22:30.

Come nel giornale le notizie saranno divise per aree geografiche

partendo dal nostro ombelico ‘Torino e dintorni’, e

mano a mano allargando la visione verso ‘Italie’ e ‘Mondi’ (tutto al plurale).

Saranno trattati i seguenti argomenti:

ritorno della Fiom nelle fabbriche, referendum caccia annullato, giornata contro l’omofobia, festa della repubblica multietnica,

rugby in Val Susa, orti urbani, Cie di Palazzo San Gervasio, caso Macao di Milano, elezioni in Egitto, la situazione attuale nei Balcani,

la situazione degli studenti negli Stati uniti, Grecia e Europa il braccio di ferro…

e tante altre cose.

Il tutto parlando con ospiti in studio e parecchi collegamenti telefonici e via Skype con persone sparse per il vasto mondo.

La radio si può raggiungere ovviamente via Facebook, Twitter e Google+ che saranno seguiti durante la trasmissione. (hashtag #glob011 per i vostri post)

oppure via sms sul numero: 3771870977

ascoltateci, mandateci sms e scriveteci via Twitter e Facebook e Google+



Twitter: @Karimetref

Facebook: Karim Metref

Skype: kametref

Interpreting and Technology – 2nd June 2012

Translation Group at Imperial College London

Interpreting and Technology

Saturday 2nd June 2012

There are still places available for the Interpreting and Technology workshopping held by the Translation Group at Imperial College on the 2nd June 2012. This is open to professionals as well as students.

Course Content
The course will start with an introduction to the implications of recent technological developments for the different interpreting modes, including technologies that enable a change of mode (con-sim, Infoport). An insight into the current working environment will be presented and the new possibilities provided by electronic document reading devices and high-speed internet connections will be examined.

Interpreting is increasingly being performed from a distance, aided by technical mediation. Remote, media, telephone, videoconference, and webcasting interpreting will be analyzed in this context.

Computer Assisted Interpreter Training (CAIT) will also be examined as a true paradigm shift that has revolutionized the way interpreters are trained today in an electronic, sometimes virtual environment. During this practical workshop, you will have the option to perform short interpretations of selected multimedia clips from English into a language of your choice to test this innovative approach.

­All these concepts will be illustrated with examples and clips of source and target material in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Techniques and strategies, training and quality standards, physical and professional constraints, ethical questions, interpreters’ adaptation and adaptability will be discussed.

A list of useful websites and other sources of information will be given to all the participants.

Course Trainer

Óscar Jiménez Serrano

£60 (students concession)

Including tea/coffee & buffet lunch

To apply for a place please email Naomi Anderson-Eyles n.andersoneyles

Naomi Anderson-Eyles

MSc Translation Administrator

Imperial College
Humanities Department

Level 3 Sherfield Building, Room S312C

South Kensington Campus



Tel: +44(0)207 594 8833

tcworld conference 2012

tcworld_logo.gifIn cooperation with tekom, the German professional association for technical communication and information development * Is Automated Speech Recognition the new lingua franca?* Technologies begin catching up with market expectations

* Making quick reference information mobile

* Leveraging the terminology treasure trove

* Fortune 500 Companies that invest in translation report higher revenue

* Translators without Borders launches Kenyan translation center

tcworld newsletter May 2012
Dear readers,Here is what’s new at tekom and tcworld this month:

tcworld conference 2012
After adding another exhibition hall at the tekom Trade Fair 2012, we are pleased to announce that attractive exhibition space is still available and can be booked at sales or by calling (+49) 711-65704-55.

Attractive sponsoring opportunities are also still available. For more information please contact Cornelia Ilg at c.ilg.

We’d like to thank everyone who has taken the effort to apply for a presentation at the tcworld conference 2012. Successful candidates will be contacted later this month.

Colloquium for technical communication programs at European Universities
Prior to the tcworld conference, tekom is organizing a one-day event on October 22, 2012 in Wiesbaden, Germany. The aim is to have expert presentations and an exchange of experiences with technical communication programs that are offered at various universities in Europe, as well as further discussions on current challenges.

For this purpose, we invite university professors in the field of technical communication in Europe to submit a paper and hold a 15-minute presentation at this colloquium. Please register your attendance by June 1, 2012, and submit your paper by July 1, 2012; both via e-mail to s.lohmueller.The number of participants at this colloquium is restricted. Attendance is free of charge for the selected participants. In addition, colloquium attendees will receive a free entrance pass to the tcworld conference on October 23, 2012.

Introducing tekom’s new Project Manager, Contents
Another recruit has joined the ranks of tekom/tcworld this month: Joerg Michael, a publisher and specialized journalist by trade, has 20 years of experience working across various positions for a local newspaper. He’s also been teaching project management and has recently completed his further studies in technical communication.

In his new position Joerg will look after tekom’s vast range of publications and media, including the tekom Web Portal and the Conference Portal. In addition, he will manage and enhance tekom’s social media presence and develop new content management projects. You can reach him at j.michael.

Kind regards,

Corinna Melville

Editor tcworld and tcworld newsletter

tekom news
Three groups of TCTrainNet international pilot project partners have received the Trainer Level Certificate. Participants came from Denmark, Poland, Italy, Hungary, India, Belgium, Turkey, and Romania. Find out more about TCTrainNet.
o tekom France / tcworld at Localization World Paris
Meet us at our booth and visit our lectures on technical documentation
June, 4-6, 2012
Paris, Franceo ETC 2012
featuring 3 presentations by tekom
June 16, 2012
Sofia, Bulgaria

o tcworld Japan
October 3-5, 2012
Kyoto, Japan

o tcworld conference 2012
October 23-25, 2012
Wiesbaden, Germany

Did you know that …
… you can still book advertising space for the next edition of the tcworld magazine, which will be published in July. For further information, please contact sales.
Current articles
Is Automated Speech Recognition the new lingua franca?
After a decision to implement a direct-to-store supply chain, a local manager of an electronics store in Boston notices an unexpected run on televisions and wants to coordinate a modified schedule with the manufacturer team leader based in Seoul, Korea. Several hours after using a translation program to send an email and facing time constraints, the local manager decides to pick up the phone and call the team leader directly. The team leader, who has been away from his desk on the manufacturing floor, answers the call and the two communicate effectively despite not having a shared language. read more…

Technologies begin catching up with market expectations
Many people have experienced the fun or frustration of playing with technologies that are not yet ready for prime time. Just consider Newton’s pilloried handwriting recognition, mobile phones in the days of spotty networks, or early attempts at plug-and-play (AKA “plug and pray”) software. Machine translation (MT) and automated speech recognition (ASR) fall into that category of innovations that have taken a while to establish their credentials and gain market acceptance. Who hasn’t laughed at MT output or been frustrated by the interactive voice response (IVR) systems that don’t seem to understand that you really do want to talk to a human representative? read more…

Making quick reference information mobile
For decades, quick reference tools such as quick reference cards, job aids and help cards have been used to assist in learning new tasks or as refreshers for tasks performed infrequently. Thanks to mobile technology, that information can now be conveniently displayed on a device when and where it’s needed. The mobile platform is a perfect medium for quick reference information. But how do you convert your existing information to mobile and ensure its legibility and functionality? read more…Leveraging the terminology treasure trove
Microsoft offers a language portal on the Internet. The portal contains terminology in about 100 languages, predominantly about software. The contents of the portal are freely accessible and can be developed further in your own database. read more…

Fortune 500 Companies that invest in translation report higher revenue
In spite of economic uncertainty, most Fortune 500 companies surveyed by research firm Common Sense Advisory increased their investment in translation in 2011. Did their investment pay off in terms of revenue growth? The answer is a resounding “yes”. Businesses that augmented their translation budget were 1.5 times more likely than their Fortune 500 peers to report an increase in total revenue. read more…

Translators without Borders launches Kenyan translation center
Translators without Borders has opened its first Healthcare Translation Center to improve access to knowledge for millions of people. Based in Nairobi, the first Healthcare Translation Center will intensively train local Kenyans to be professional translators in order to get healthcare information out to the people who really need it. Supported by the Kenyan Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, the Healthcare Translation Center will empower Kenyan communities by forming a generation of translators. Local people will be trained to be able to translate simple and detailed vital health information into major Kenyan languages. read more…



Dr. Michael Fritz
Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation e.V.
Rotebühlstraße 64
70178 Stuttgart

Ph: +49 711 6 57 04-0 | Fax: +49 711 6 57 04-99
info |


Corinna Melville
Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation e.V.

VR 3409 beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart
GF: Dr. Michael Fritz

XXXVII CONCERTO ORPHEADE: Academia Belgica – Concerto (ore 19.30)



Il Prof. Walter Geerts, direttore dell’Academia Belgica,


XXXVII Concerto Orpheade:

Hanneke Verbueken – violino

Korneel Bernolet – clavicembalo

Data: 16 maggio 2012 alle ore 19.30

Il concerto avrà luogo a Roma, presso l’Academia Belgica (via Omero, 8)


Premio Piero Malvolti 2012

Premio Piero Malvolti 2012
E’ disponibile sul sito della Fondazione Montanelli Bassi il bando del Premio Piero Malvolti 2012 organizzato in collaborazione con il Comune di Fucecchio. La scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature è fissata al prossimo 30 settembre

Per consultare il bando:

Per informazioni e contatti: info Tel.057122627

Fondazione Montanelli Bassi
via G. di San Giorgio, 2
Casella Postale 190
50054 FUCECCHIO (Fi)
Tel e fax 0571 22627