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European Commission backs Meet Central Europe Jobs Fair

The European Commission is backing a Jobs Fair at the Meet Central Europe conference taking place in Prague on 10/11 October.

The Commission is taking the initiative by inviting freelance translators from the region to the Fair, which will provide a platform where they can meet be a forum for companies.


Preparing specialist translators for work

A Madrid-based EUATC Network member Hermes Traducciones is supporting universities in Hungary and Austria prepare specialist translation students for the reality of working life through active participation in the European Commission’s eTransFair project.


LEFT: Juan José Arevalillo, Managing Director of Hermes Traducciones speaking at Vienna Centre for Translation Studies

EUATC network member ramps up acquisition strategy

Following two French LSP acquisitions in 2018, EUATC Network member the Ubiqus Group has continued its growth strategy with the acquisitions of Belgian-base dhaxley Translations and France-based InPuzzle.


Network member Interlex acquires majority stake in Grata

EUATC Network Member Interlex Media & Translations has acquired a majority stake in another Network Member, Grata, also based in Estonia. Both are belong to EUATC member, the Association of Estonian Translation Companies (AETC), and the merger creates of the country’s third largest language service provider with a wide portfolio of domestic and global clients.


Italian association to host Translating Europe workshop

The EUATC’s Italian member UNILINGUE, the Italian Association of Translation Companies, will hold a Translating Europe Workshop (TEW) in Italy’s capital Rome on 31st October, reports Mirko Silvestrini (pictured).


T-UPDATE FEATURE: Is translating an art or a science?

"Is translation an art or a science?" asks Sean Patrick Hopwood, President & CEO, Human Powered Translations, Day Translations (pictured right).

It’s difficult to come up with a single definitive answer. To answer this question in the most compelling way, it’s necessary to understand and differentiate the artistic and scientific fields while scrutinizing the different facets as well as the origins of language translation.


T-UPDATE FEATURE: Translating idioms – an impossible task?

Translation is more than simply transferring text from one language to another. Translators have to create a document that flows correctly in the target language, but still conveys the message of the original, all whilst being localised for the readership. If there is one thing that can present the biggest challenge when translating, it’s the humble idiom, write Rebecca Twose of Language Insight (pictured).


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SCANDERBEG, indimenticato condottiero d’Occidente


Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg, Croia, 6 maggio 1405 – Alessio, 17 gennaio 1468) è stato un grande condottiero d’Occidente, e uno strenuo difensore di cristianità latino-bizantina e territorialità europea.

Resistette per 25 a difesa dell’Europa e della fede cristiana dall’invasione ottomana; per tale motivo ottenne da Papa Callisto III gli appellativi di “Atleta di Cristo” e “Difensore della Fede“.

La prima biografia di Giorgio Castriota è opera di Marin Barleti, un sacerdote cattolico di Scutari, suo contemporaneo. Barleti_historia scanderbegEgli si basò sulle testimonianze di alcuni dei valorosi condottieri al seguito del “primo cavaliere” e su documenti ufficiali dell’archivio di Venezia, dove Barleti si era rifugiato dopo la caduta di Scutari sotto il dominio turco ottomano. Scritta in latino, la “Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi, Epirotarum principis” venne pubblicata a Roma all’inizio del XVI secolo (1508-1510).

Scanderbeg difese fisicamente ed in prima linea, con al seguito risorse…

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2020 Literature Conference Athens Greece

the organization of the 13th Annual International Conference on Literature, 1-4 June 2020, Athens, Greece (Academic Responsible: Dr. Stamos Metzidakis, Professor Emeritus of French and Comparative Literature, Washington University in Saint Louis, USA & Adjunct Professor of French, Hunter College-CUNY, USA). You are more than welcome to submit a proposal for presentation. The abstract submission deadline is 28 October 2019. You may also send us a stream-panel proposal to be organized as part of the conference. If you need more information, please let me know, and our administration will send it to you, including the link to the website, and abstract submission form. We do hope you can contribute to our academic activities.

Parole intraducibili, la designer neozelandese Anjana Iyer prova a “spiegarle” disegnandole

eyes wide open


Leggendo e traducendo un testo in un’ altra lingua, si incontrano non solo parole di cui non si conosce il significato, ma anche parole che non hanno una traduzione precisa nella nostra lingua e richiedono una ricerca minuziosa per comprenderne a pieno il significato e riuscire a renderne il senso nella maniera più efficace possibile. Questo spesso è dovuto alle grandi differenze culturali che inevitabilmente si riflettono anche sulla lingua. Differenze alcune volte talmente profonde da portare alla creazione di parole per determinate azioni, abitudini, usanze ben precise che non hanno un corrispettivo in altre lingue. Ad esempio qualcosa talmente importante per gli spagnoli da meritare un termine specifico potrebbe non essere stata minimamente presa in considerazione dagli inglesi. Ci si trova di fronte a quelle parole “intraducibili” che possono essere “spiegate” ad esempio attraverso perifrasi. Le parole intraducibili hanno catturato l’attenzione di una designer neozelandese, Anjana Iyer che ha…

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